4DK invades Monster Island Resort!
Again with the space ladies.The Mysterious Order of the Skeleton Suit is up to its usual skullduggery, taking god's creations and perverting them until they can no longer be seen as anything but barely...
View ArticleA pause for a change
4DK has been called many things -- some of them printable! -- but “meaningful contribution to society” certainly isn’t one of them. Indeed, endeavors like the meticulous cataloguing of the films of...
View ArticlePodcast on Fire's Taiwan Noir Episode 11: Virago, The Anger, and Inferno...
I had long heard tell of these IFD “Franken-Ninja” movies, wherein ill-famed producer Godfrey Ho ill-advisedly “spiced up” repurposed footage from various Asian martial arts films with footage of aging...
View ArticleThe 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down is coming!
The time is next Tuesday, March 11, at 6pm PST. The film is FURY OF THE SILVER FOX, a wildly entertaining example of What-the-Fu directed by and starring the inimitable Pearl Chang Ling. When the time...
View ArticleFrance invades Germany
[I’ve already given an overview of France Gall’s French language career over at Teleport City, but I thought I’d post this follow-up here, so as not to ignite in Keith fears that I am trying to turn...
View ArticleTonight! It's the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down: FURY OF THE SILVER FOX
The day has arrived and tonight is the night! Below is a YouTube link to a complete version of Pearl Chang Ling's Fury of the Silver Fox.Join us on Twitter tonight -- that's Tuesday, March 11 -- at 6pm...
View ArticleThe 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down: Can you prove it didn't happen?
Years from now, people will talk about the participants in the first 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down as if they were gods, the mythical creators of a mysterious and hallowed tradition. But let the record...
View ArticleRevolver Rani (India, 1971)
Only the most enfeebled among you will be surprised to learn that contemporary relevance has nothing to do with why I choose to review a film on 4DK. Nonetheless, it is always interesting when some far...
View ArticleRed Detachment of Women (China, 1971)
While presenting challenges of its own, Red Detachment of Women may have the power to redeem ballet in the eyes of those of us who have suffered through one too many performances of The Nutcracker....
View ArticleThe Eight Immortals (Taiwan, 1971)
As a vintage Taiwanese fantasy wuxia film, The Eight Immortals is both pleasantly different and pleasantly the same. It’s different in that it boasts a fanciful structure that makes it something of an...
View ArticlePodcast on Fire's Taiwan Noir Episode 12: The Ghostly Face and Little Hero
Neither my or Kenny B's affections for Polly Shang Kwan can be overstated. And, as if in perversely obstinate demonstration of that fact, we have turned the latest episode of the Taiwan Noir podcast...
View ArticleNext Tuesday: The 4DK Monthly 4DK Movie Shout Down Returns!
Make no mistake; the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down is no one night stand. It's the real deal! Thus we will be returning to Twitter next Tuesday, April 8 at 6pm PST sharp and -- using the hashtag #4DKMSD...
View ArticleTo Rose with Love (Hong Kong, 1967)
I am here not so much to review To Rose with Love as to simply let you know that it exists. This is good news, especially if you speak Cantonese, because parsing the film without English subtitles is a...
View ArticleTonight! It's the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down: ATTACK OF THE SUPER MONSTERS
At last the night has arrived when we take to Twitter like a rampaging snarkosaurus! Below is a DailyMotion link to a full version of Attack of the Super Monsters. Join us on Twitter tonight -- that's...
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