The time is next Tuesday, March 11, at 6pm PST. The film is FURY OF THE SILVER FOX, a wildly entertaining example of What-the-Fu directed by and starring the inimitable Pearl Chang Ling. When the time comes, I'm hoping all of you will log on to Twitter and -- using the YouTube link provided on this blog and the hashtag #4DKMSD -- join in the conversation as we all watch and comment along to this twisted masterpiece together.
For more information on the film and its director/star, you can either read my review and/or check out the deluxe, two part episode of the Infernal Brains podcast in which Tars Tarkas, special guest Durian Dave of the Soft Film blog, and myself provide a detailed overview of Pearl Chang Ling's career (Part I, Part II).
The effort might serve you well, as I will be tossing out Pearl related trivia questions throughout the movie. Those quickest to tweet an answer will receive a custom picked DVD pack from my bountiful white elephant pile (to be henceforth referred to as the 4DK Classics Collection™). Say, would that be a partially loved copy of 1980's FOXES starring Jody Foster and the Runaways' Cherie Currie? You bet your diseased spleen it is! AND IT CAN BE YOURS!
Visit the official 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down website for more information, as well as to see a schedule of all the amazing movies that we're going to be tweeting along to over the course of the year. You'll be glad you did.
I look forward to joining you all next Tuesday. Let's send this thing off right!
Visit the official 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down website for more information, as well as to see a schedule of all the amazing movies that we're going to be tweeting along to over the course of the year. You'll be glad you did.
I look forward to joining you all next Tuesday. Let's send this thing off right!