Shout Down Powers activate! The 4DKMMSD laughs in the face of extinction.
As anticipated, Attack of the Super Monsters baffled and enraged the Monthly Movie Shout Down crew, as you can see from the Storified transcript linked below. There you will witness what happens to the...
View Article3 Supermen vs. Mad Girl, aka Çilgin Kiz ve üç Süper Adam (Turkey, 1973)
If you’re like me, you’re first thought, upon being confronted with 3 Supermen vs. Mad Girl, is going to be, “Just what exactly is this girl so mad about?” And if you’re answer is “the unchecked...
View ArticleLoad up for the Pop Offensive!
Recently, while contemplating why my life has been feeling so empty lately, I came to the obvious conclusion: Not enough side projects! Hence my entry into the steamy world of internet radio.Join me...
View ArticleDarna (Philippines, 1991)
Actress and model Nanette Medved, born in Hawaii to a Chinese mother and Russian father, stands alongside Eva Montes as one of the few one-time movie Darnas. Though she had other roles, this seems to...
View ArticleRelive the offense!
Everyone, at least once in their lives, should have the experience of going into a radio station and inflicting their musical tastes upon a passive listening audience. I had that experience last night,...
View ArticleState of the cranium
One year ago this afternoon, while walking down Front Street in downtown San Francisco, I found myself stricken with the mother of all headaches. I also felt a numbness in my left leg. A half hour...
View ArticleFuego (Argentina, 1969)
Poor Miss Laura! A beautiful woman, she lacks not for male attention, but still she is unsatisfied! The flame of her desire burns too hot! Poor Miss Laura! She wants to be good… BUT SHE CANNOT! THE...
View ArticleLost in Space
Often times the most interesting things you find on the internet are those that you weren't even looking for in the first place. Case in point: an mp3 compilation album that I stumbled across on iTunes...
View ArticleNext Tuesday: The 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down returns with SANTO AND BLUE...
Psst! Yes, you! Do you like masked luchadores? Do you like tweeting about movies on the internet? Do you like SANTO? How about SANTO and BLUE DEMON?Well, have I got an event for you... and you don't...
View ArticleLas Tres Magnificas (Mexico, 1970)
Thanks in large part to the Italians, the rules of the movie western were as loose as they would ever be during the late 60s and 70s. So why not a film like Las Tres Magnificas, in which a beleaguered...
View ArticleTonight! The 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down throws down with SANTO AND BLUE...
That's right: Santo and Blue Demon have finally made their way to the Monthly Movie Shout Down. And it's all going down tonight!The film is 1972's SANTO AND BLUE DEMON VS. DR. FRANKENSTEIN, a spicy...
View ArticleThe 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down vs. everybody
As expected, Santo and Blue Demon vs. Dr. Frankenstein brought out, not just the most, but the best of the Monthly Movie Shout Down gang, resulting in the liveliest tweet-along we've had to date. A...
View ArticleDara (Pakistan, 1968)
It’s hard to believe that, back in 2010, I spent an entire month watching nothing but jungle adventure movies. This especially because I do not particularly care for jungle adventure movies. You see,...
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