Reparata roolz
Over at Teleport City, I'm keeping my hat on as resident retro fetishist with an article about the lesser known girl group Reparata and the Delrons. The group never had much chart success in the U.S.,...
View ArticleNyi Ageng Ratu Pemikat (Indonesia, 1983)
Nyi Ageng Ratu Pemikat is an odd film. Odd not just because it is an Indonesian action fantasy directed by Sundel Bolong’s Sisworo Gautama Putra and starring Suzzanna and Barry Prima, which are...
View ArticleThe Face of MOSS
As you may have noticed, the Mysterious Order of the Skeleton Suit has many faces. For an outfit that prefers to operate under a veil of secrecy, they have a surprisingly pronounced social media...
View ArticleThe Search for Weng Weng (Australia, 2013)
To the cult film connoisseurs who will make up its core audience, The Search for Weng Weng has already become something of a legend. Directed by Andrew Leavold, founder of Australia’s largest cult...
View ArticleGunmaster is coming!
Gaze now upon the magnificent teaser trailer for our next episode of Fighting Femmes, Fiends, and Fanatics, which gives long overdue focus to the lightfooted antics of Bollywood's dancing-est superspy,...
View ArticleThe Addict (Egypt, 1983)
Khaled, the title character of Youssef Francis’ The Addict, has the kind of idyllic family life that you only see at the beginning of a movie where things are about to go radically and rapidly south....
View ArticleIt's the 5th Annual 4DK Search Term Tweet-a-thon!
Every year at this time I survey the search terms that bring people to this blog and, alongside the thrill that comes with the attention of strangers, feel a deep regret for ever having typed the word...
View ArticleA Tweet-a-thon remembered
I think we can say that the 5th Annual 4DK Search Term Tweet-a-thon was a resounding success, due to the fact that, for 24 hours, my Twitter feed was converted into something that read like the last...
View ArticleEl Vampiro Negro (Argentina, 1953)
“Tonight you are the luckiest audience in the world,” enthused Film Noir Foundation president Eddie Muller. “Because you get to see this film.” The film, 1953’s El Vampiro Negro, is an Argentinian...
View ArticleStarting in March: The 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down!
Starting in March, we’ll be doing something a little different here at 4DK: 4DK’S MONTHLY MOVIE SHOUT DOWN, a series of movie tweet-alongs that will occur on the second Tuesday of every month.If you’re...
View ArticleKulkedisi, aka Turkish Cinderella (Turkey, 1971)
In light of recent events, you'd think the last thing I'd want to do right now is write about another Turkish pop film based on Western source material. You see, just a few days ago I discovered that a...
View ArticleThe Infernal Brains Podcast, Episode 17
The femalien is a ubiquitous figure in the science fiction cinema of the 50s and 60s. She can take many forms, be it in Catwomen of the Moon, a film that gives us a good idea of what happens when a man...
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