From the Lucha Diaries Vaults: Las Lobas del Ring (Mexico, 1965)
Just my way of informing you all that I'm out of town this week and won't have time to generate any new content. For more of where this came from, please visit The Lucha Diaries.********For their third...
View ArticleMadam X (India, 1994)
At some point in her career it was determined that Rekha, one of Bollywood’s more elegant and doll-like heroines, was the ideal centerpiece for outrageously gay female driven action vehicles. This is a...
View ArticleTeleport City lives
The resurrection of Teleport City at its new location is proceeding at an ever increasing pace, with many of our old/"classic" reviews reappearing -- often with new and better screen captures -- in...
View ArticleRollin' it over
I’m a little overtaken by life’s vicissitudes at the moment, so what better time for that most lazy refuge of blocked bloggers everywhere: The links post! This time we have the benefit of a few of the...
View ArticleBeing Clothilde
I’m back on the French pop beat over at Teleport City, this time telling the somewhat odd story of one Elisabeth Beauvais, who would enter the Yeh Yeh Girl pantheon as Clothilde. Please check it out if...
View ArticleOut of the Darkness (Thailand, 1971)
Out of the Darkness’ status as Thailand’s first science fiction film places it more within its own special realm of obscurity than one of notoriety. For the reason one need only consider the low...
View ArticleOther plans.
So last Tuesday I went into the hospital to have a large mass removed from the left side of my brain, and then spent a week in the ICU after some complications in recovery, with the result that I am...
View ArticleSounds
I missed a lot of music news during my recent travails, and it's now all trickling back in like a delayed reward. All the more reason to be thankful for having a brain.Savages, Silence Yourself. It's...
View ArticleChallenge to White Fang, aka Il Ritorno di Zanna Bianca (Italy/France/West...
So what if Italian goremeister Lucio Fulci wanted to make a hero dog movie starring Django? These are the kinds of questions I like to ask. Move along people; there's nothing to see here!Challenge to...
View ArticleGaddaar (India, 1973)
Few Indian crime films are as pure as Gaddaar. Within seconds of its opening credits, we are right in the middle of a thrilling depiction of its central crime and meeting our criminals. And what...
View ArticleMy legacy is secure.
Screw you dodgy servers and Ukranian dick pill farmers, or whatever you are. It takes more than your poxy efforts to keep Teleport City down. In fact, the phoenix-like resurrection of that venerable...
View ArticleThe Friends of 4DK: Elomea (East Germany, 1972) by Keith Allison
As other, non-4DK related matters have been making demands on my time of late, I've reached out to some friends in the blogosfear to contribute guest posts. The first comes from my esteemed friend,...
View ArticleSanto vs. Dr. Death, aka Masked Man Strikes Again (Spain/Mexico?, 1973)
I've wanted to see Santo vs. Dr. Death for a very long time. It was produced in Spain, where Santo was also phenomenally popular back in the day, and, as such, is the only Santo film not produced...
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