From the Lucha Diaries Vault: Profanadores de Tumbas (Mexico, 1965)
A small room. A woman in a black leotard and fishnet tights go-go dances suggestively as two men play a classical piece on violin and piano. No audience is present. The woman smiles serenely toward us...
View ArticlePetlya Oriona, aka Orion's Loop (USSR, 1981)
For all their technocratic zeal, Soviet Bloc sci-fi films seem much more likely than most to deal with the cosmos as psychological space. Be it the sentient planet of Solaris or the interstellar cabin...
View ArticleMiss Lovely (India, 2012)
“Outlaw Cinema” is one of those terms we sometimes use to elevate the acts of film making and consumption to the romantic level of rebellion. From an audience standpoint, it allows us to feel that...
View ArticleThe Savage Hunt of King Stakh (USSR, 1979)
The Wild Hunt is a component of Western folklore that dates back as far as ancient times and spans most of the European continent. While its details change from region to region, its broad outline...
View ArticlePlease help... or Weng Weng will kickstart those nutz
We obsessives have to help one another out, because we know better than anybody that compulsively cataloguing, collecting and curating things the way we do eats up resources like nobody's business....
View ArticlePeligro!... Mujeres en Accion, aka Danger Girls (Mexico, 1969)
We’ve seen time and again in Mexican genre movies that when a bunch of women get together they’re usually up to no good. And I’m not just talking sangria benders and serial viewings of Magic Mike. More...
View ArticleBut liquor is quicker
Teleport City’s move to its new home continues apace, with only, oh, several hundo reviews remaining to be reposted. In the meantime, I’ve complicated matters by providing some new content and, in the...
View ArticleI've finally reached the gutter
The Cultural Gutter has long been one of my favorite sites, reliably providing well written and thoughtful commentary on a wide range of pop culture subjects... well, until now. That's because, when...
View ArticleTonight at the 4DK Lounge
Warning: You will need to drink A LOT.With thanks to Keith Allison.
View ArticleSonics go boom
This month I’ve been getting back on track with my writing for Teleport City, in this case putting on my music critic hat for an overview of The Sonics, who are perhaps the greatest of all American...
View ArticleI heart poop (and Joginder)
"It’s about pooping and I have the sense of humour of an eight-year-old"You see, journos? That's the kind of pithy utterance you can expect if you turn to yours truly for an illuminating quote to spice...
View ArticleThe Stolen Airship (Czechoslovakia, 1967)
Czechoslovakian director and animator Karel Zeman had a visual signature so distinctive that one is likely to find similarities only in those pioneers -- Melies, McCay -- who inspired him and those...
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