Book event on the horizon
Now that Funky Bollywood is finally finding its way into the hands of curious readers and the reviews are pouring in, it's time to celebrate. And that celebration, not surprisingly, will be taking...
View ArticleFunky Bollywood: It's a launch!
I hope all of you who are able will come to tonight's launch event for Funky Bollywood at San Francisco's Lost Weekend Video. I, of course, will be there to sign books and answer your questions, so if...
View ArticleNotes from the 4DKave
Photo courtesy of Greenie McGeeAlmost a years ago, I told you of a vow I made to myself not to let 4DK turn into a cancer blog. I now must make a similar vow not to let it turn into a mere publicity...
View Article4DK gives you reason to live for another week
With Funky Bollywood well on its way to literary infamy, it is now time to return our attention to those more routine distractions that I provide from the petty insults of daily life, two of which are...
View ArticleShout Down Tonight! Don't turn around, the Kommissar's in town... AGAIN.
Hey, kids. Do you like spy movies? Europeans? Outrageous "Mad Men" era sexism? Well, are you in for a treat... because tonight the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down crew is surveilling Death is Nimble,...
View ArticlePop Offensive is TONIGHT!
After the postponement of last month's Pop Offensive, one might expect tonight's long awaited episode to be one big, messy popgasm. However, as Jeff and I are men of refined tastes, our more delicate...
View ArticleEverybody doesn't dislike Funky Bollywood
A month into Funky Bollywood's release, the reviews are starting to come in... and, hey, they're all pretty darn favorable. Over at India's Open Magazine, Jai Arjun Singh says:"...Stadtman isn't...
View ArticleOffensive. Always.
Have you been scouring the internet for a music program with the chutzpa to combine Eurovision treacle, old school punk, Northern Soul belters, and post-Soviet power pop and then somehow enfold all of...
View ArticlePodcast on Fire's Taiwan Noir Episode 17: Requital and Hunting List
You might be forgiven for thinking that, with everything going on, I might have forgotten about Taiwan Noir, but nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, my life would be sorely lacking without...
View ArticleNieng Arp (Cambodia, 2004)
It’s a wonder that any innovation at all takes place within the monster film genre, seeing as there is always a new generation of young viewers for whom all the old creatures can be trotted out and run...
View ArticleAll the offense you can stand.
We're going to be trying something a little different on Pop Offensive during May and June, in that we will be presenting two episodes of the show a month rather than the usual one. This will enable us...
View ArticlePop Offensive is TONIGHT!
Before listening to Pop Offensive:After:Complete your transformation by streaming us live from tonight at 7pm Pacific Time. (Or listen to it later via the Pop Offensive Archives....
View ArticleFunky Bollywood: Feel the love.
Praise for Funky Bollywood continues to come in from around the globe, especially from our friends on the Subcontinent:Over at The Hindu, Sidarth Bhatia says "This is a must-have for not just the...
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