Praise for Funky Bollywood continues to come in from around the globe, especially from our friends on the Subcontinent:
Over at The Hindu, Sidarth Bhatia says "This is a must-have for not just the casual browser but also the more serious student of Hindi films who is interested not just in individual movies but also, so to speak, the big picture."
And over on, Nandini Ramnath, in addition to providing an in-depth interview with yours truly, calls the book "a rough and highly personal guide to movies from the decade that made Amitabh Bachchan a star and was spilling over with outlandish thrillers about spies, gangsters, smugglers and molls."
The armchair ironists among you have no doubt savored the bitter sweetness of all of this positive press coming from India, seeing as an Indian edition of Funky Bollywood has yet to be released. But we are still working diligently toward that end, and I dare say that we are close to making it happen. Reviews like those quoted above only make our resolve that much stronger.