Friday's best pop song ever
Book event on the horizon
Now that Funky Bollywood is finally finding its way into the hands of curious readers and the reviews are pouring in, it's time to celebrate. And that celebration, not surprisingly, will be taking place right here in San Francisco, at the Mission District's venerable Lost Weekend Video on the evening of Tuesday, March 31st. In addition to a head bopping presentation of funky film clips and tunes, I'll be on hand to sign books--which will be available for sale--and answer questions. The funky fun starts at 7:00. I hope you can join us.
If you are, however, among the vast majority of the Earth's inhabitants who do not live in the San Francisco bay area, rest assured that I am working on other, Funky Bollywood related events both throughout the U.S. and beyond. Keep an eye on this space over the coming weeks for details.
Friday's best pop song ever
Funky Bollywood: It's a launch!
I hope all of you who are able will come to tonight's launch event for Funky Bollywood at San Francisco's Lost Weekend Video. I, of course, will be there to sign books and answer your questions, so if you see me, please come up and say hi.
Lost Weekend is located at 1034 Valencia Street, between 21st and 22nd Streets, in San Francisco's sunny Mission District. The festivities start at 7pm. See you there!
Notes from the 4DKave
Photo courtesy of Greenie McGee
Almost a years ago, I told you of a vow I made to myself not to let 4DK turn into a cancer blog. I now must make a similar vow not to let it turn into a mere publicity organ for my book (FUNKY BOLLYWOOD, now available wherever fine books are sold). It's just that, well, since the book's release last week, there's just been a lot of stuff going on.
Case in point, Tuesday night's launch event. I want to thank all of you who came. I was very pleased by the turnout and the number of you who bought books. I was also flattered by the patience it took for all of you to put up with my somewhat rambling remarks when you could have instead been watching a clip of Feroz Khan driving a station wagon through the wall of a nightclub.
Photo by Erik Auerbach
I also want to thank Kasa Indian for supplying us with delicious Indian finger food and Sweetmue for the specially prepared Indian themed desserts. And, of course, Lost Weekend Video, for generously playing host to the event. As I mentioned on Tuesday, times are hard for them--as they are for most all brick and mortar video stores these days--and your support would be greatly appreciated. If you can't provide that support by simply dropping by and renting a copy of Don, Qurbani, or Geeta Mera Naam (they have the best selection of classic Bollywood movies of any local video store I can think of), they have an Indiegogo campaign that you can contribute to.
Lastly, but vastly, I would like to thank those who traveled all the way across the country to attend the event, including my boss at Teleport City, Keith Allison, whose unannounced appearance nearly rendered me incontinent with surprise. And then, of course, there is my lifelong best bud Andrew Nahem, whose design work on Funky Bollywood is being praised almost to the exclusion of any mention of the book's written contents by most reviewers.
I'll say no more about the event other than that a good time was had by all. If you missed it, rest assured that I will be setting up other Funky Bollywood related events throughout the US and beyond as the year progresses (my next scheduled is at Folio Books, in San Francisco's Noe Valley, on May 28th). I will be announcing those here... along with, needless to say, other, non Funky Bollywood related stuff.
Almost a years ago, I told you of a vow I made to myself not to let 4DK turn into a cancer blog. I now must make a similar vow not to let it turn into a mere publicity organ for my book (FUNKY BOLLYWOOD, now available wherever fine books are sold). It's just that, well, since the book's release last week, there's just been a lot of stuff going on.
Case in point, Tuesday night's launch event. I want to thank all of you who came. I was very pleased by the turnout and the number of you who bought books. I was also flattered by the patience it took for all of you to put up with my somewhat rambling remarks when you could have instead been watching a clip of Feroz Khan driving a station wagon through the wall of a nightclub.
Photo by Erik Auerbach
I also want to thank Kasa Indian for supplying us with delicious Indian finger food and Sweetmue for the specially prepared Indian themed desserts. And, of course, Lost Weekend Video, for generously playing host to the event. As I mentioned on Tuesday, times are hard for them--as they are for most all brick and mortar video stores these days--and your support would be greatly appreciated. If you can't provide that support by simply dropping by and renting a copy of Don, Qurbani, or Geeta Mera Naam (they have the best selection of classic Bollywood movies of any local video store I can think of), they have an Indiegogo campaign that you can contribute to.
Lastly, but vastly, I would like to thank those who traveled all the way across the country to attend the event, including my boss at Teleport City, Keith Allison, whose unannounced appearance nearly rendered me incontinent with surprise. And then, of course, there is my lifelong best bud Andrew Nahem, whose design work on Funky Bollywood is being praised almost to the exclusion of any mention of the book's written contents by most reviewers.
I'll say no more about the event other than that a good time was had by all. If you missed it, rest assured that I will be setting up other Funky Bollywood related events throughout the US and beyond as the year progresses (my next scheduled is at Folio Books, in San Francisco's Noe Valley, on May 28th). I will be announcing those here... along with, needless to say, other, non Funky Bollywood related stuff.
Friday's best pop song ever
4DK gives you reason to live for another week
With Funky Bollywood well on its way to literary infamy, it is now time to return our attention to those more routine distractions that I provide from the petty insults of daily life, two of which are coming up next week.
First of all, Tuesday, April 14th sees Tony Kendall and Brad Harris return to the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down in yet another antic entry in the Kommissar X series, Death is Nimble, Death is Quick. The film includes some dazzling stunts, beautiful location filming in Sri Lanka and Singapore, and all of the colorful spy-fi nonsense that made the previous Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill such a treat. As always, all you need is a Twitter account and access to YouTube to participate.
Here's a nifty trailer that someone else put together because I'm tired:
And then, on the following night,Wednesday, April 15th, Pop Offensive returns after a long absence, following the postponement of March's episode.
In honor of the book's release, this will be a special, Bollywood-themed episode, although we will still make room for plenty of the groovy pop sounds from around the world that have earned us our reputation as a show that plays that sort of thing. Per usual, the rumblings will commence at 7pm PT and continue until 9pm PT and can be streamed live from 9thfloorradio.com.
Where do I find the time, you might ask? But, more pertinently, where will YOU find the time? Because, although participation in neither of these events is mandatory, they are both essential to your well being. Or so I've heard.
Friday's best pop song ever
Shout Down Tonight! Don't turn around, the Kommissar's in town... AGAIN.
Hey, kids. Do you like spy movies? Europeans? Outrageous "Mad Men" era sexism? Well, are you in for a treat... because tonight the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down crew is surveilling Death is Nimble, Death is Quick, the second entry in the Kommissar X series of goofy eurospy films. All you have to do to participate is join us on Twitter at 6pm PT and, using the hashtag #4DKMSD, tweet along with us to the movie, which you can watch via the YouTube link below. It's that simple!
Pop Offensive is TONIGHT!
After the postponement of last month's Pop Offensive, one might expect tonight's long awaited episode to be one big, messy popgasm. However, as Jeff and I are men of refined tastes, our more delicate listeners can rest assured that we will be taking an occasional time out from the expected hosing to pay genteel tribute to the music of Bollywood--this, after all, being the month of my book Funky Bollywood's much anticipated release. Thus shall art, commerce, nuggets, and icky sexual references walk blissfully hand in hand, all streaming for your listening pleasure at 9thfloorradio.com starting tonight at 7pm Pacific time.
Everybody doesn't dislike Funky Bollywood
A month into Funky Bollywood's release, the reviews are starting to come in... and, hey, they're all pretty darn favorable.
Over at India's Open Magazine, Jai Arjun Singh says:
"...Stadtman isn't patronizing these films. He is according them--the bulk of them, at least--the dignity of analysis. He is applying standards of criticism to works that many people (including many Indians) sometimes dismiss as being criticism- and analysis- resistant."
Over at Film Comment, Grady Hendrix, writing in his column Kaiju Shakedown, says of Funky Bollywood:
"...reading it makes you want to fill your eyes to overflowing with all the psychedelic glories of old-school Bollywood cray-cray."
Meanwhile, Temple Connoly of Cinema Chaat had this to say:
"Like a really good masala film, Funky Bollywood is wildly entertaining and you might even learn something along the way."
Trash Film Guru's Ryan says:
"Perhaps the greatest compliment I can give Funky Bollywood, though, is simply this — before I opened this book up, I hadn’t seen a single flick mentioned in it, and now I want to see them all."
I was also happy to see one of my favorite Bollywood blogs, Filmi-Contrast, smiling upon the book:
"But while Funky Bollywood is a deceptively educational book for the beginner, and certainly a refresher of familiar territory for the long-time fan, it aims to entertain first."
And finally, Ed Glaser of Neon Harbor brings it all home:
"From paisley and flares to swank pads and plush secret lairs, Funky Bollywood is an eye-popping compendium of must-see action flicks from the grooviest era of the world's most prolific movie industry."
Les sanguine, I'm afraid, have been the voices of our friends on the Indian subcontinent itself, who have cried both alone and in unison: "Hey, jerk. Why is your book, which is ABOUT Indian cinema, not available in India itself?" (some of them adding something along the lines of "Nice one, bozo" or "smooth move, Ex-lax"--you get the idea). And to them, I would like to say this: I would not have had it this way were it in my control. It is, in fact, something that grieves me on a daily basis. Unfortunately, we have yet to find an Indian publisher who is willing to take a risk on a book about Bollywood written by a non-Indian American. However, we are still trying our best to make it happen. In the meantime, I humbly ask that you take it as fact that our goal is to get Funky Bollywood into the hands of South Asian readers for a reasonable price as quickly as possible. Please bear with us.
On a lighter note, I recently put together this book trailer for Funky Bollywood, which I feel captures the feel of both the book and its subject pretty well. Feel free to share.
Friday's best pop song ever
Offensive. Always.
Have you been scouring the internet for a music program with the chutzpa to combine Eurovision treacle, old school punk, Northern Soul belters, and post-Soviet power pop and then somehow enfold all of that within a salute to Bollywood? Well, look no further than Pop Offensive. Wednesday's episode had all of that and more, presented with the unique combination of folksy wisdom and borderline hysterics that only Jeff Heyman and myself can provide. The episode is now available for streaming and download here, while the full playlist can be found on the Pop Offensive Facebook page.
"Bleep bloop... take me to your leader. HAHAHAHA."
Podcast on Fire's Taiwan Noir Episode 17: Requital and Hunting List
You might be forgiven for thinking that, with everything going on, I might have forgotten about Taiwan Noir, but nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, my life would be sorely lacking without my periodic check-ins with my old pal Kenny B, a mysterious foreigner who never fails to take me down some intriguing new back alley of Taiwanese commercial cinema. This latest episode finds us exploring the grey area between homage, plagiarism, and imitation as we discuss two films by director Chu Yen Ping that are both based, to varying degrees, on Phil Joanou's State of Grace. Listen here.
Nieng Arp (Cambodia, 2004)
It’s a wonder that any innovation at all takes place within the monster film genre, seeing as there is always a new generation of young viewers for whom all the old creatures can be trotted out and run through there familiar paces. And this is no truer for the United States than it is for Cambodia, where the horror thriller NiengArp became a surprise hit in 2004, running in theaters for a solid three months.
Nieng Arp concerns the folkloric beastie known to Cambodians as the Arp (or Ap), which will be familiar to 4DK readers as the Krasue from Thailand’s Ghost of Guts Eater, the “Flying Evil” from Taiwan’s Witch With Flying Head, and the Leak from Indonesia’s Mystics in Bali. If you are too lazy to click those links, you will be none the wiser—unless, of course, you are unable to click them because you are a levitating, disembodied head with all of your entrails dangling out of your neck hole, in which case you know what an Arp is, because you are one. Nieng Arp’s subtitles further put a bow on things by translating “Arp” somewhat awkwardly as “Bodiless Vampire.”
Our story gets under way when village girl Maya and her boyfriend are attacked by a trio of randy local hooligans as they walk through the forest at night. The boyfriend is killed and Maya is raped and left for dead. It is at this moment that an Arp just happens to fly by and “turns” Maya by dribbling some kind of goop inter her mouth from hers. Next, a subtitle appears telling us that 16 years have passed, and the fact that this is a horror movie made in the 2000’s is announced by the arrival of a vanload of boisterous college students from Pnom Penh, who are in the Battambang Province for a study tour of the area’s shrines.

When it comes time for the gang to seek out their accommodations, we come to a hostel overseen by none other than Maya, played by an actress whose likeness to Suzzanna cannot be mere coincidence. Maya shares the home with Paulika, her teenage daughter. Paulika is, by all appearances, a normal teenage girl, to the extent that one might suspect she is the victim of some kind of Marilyn Munster syndrome. Mom, meanwhile, keeps her head’s tendency to go airborne on the down low—until, that is, Satha (Sovan Makara), the hunk of the visiting group, starts to woo Paulika. In a turn of events that is almost Bollywood-like in its providence, Maya somehow divines that Satha is the descendant of one of her rapists--at which point no amount of pleading from Paulika, nor solemn intervention by the village monks, can stop her.
When it comes to reviewing Nieng Arp, I find myself with a bit of a dilemma on my hands. That is because I have a strong suspicion that, in the process of transferring the film to the VCD on which I watched it, a couple of the reels were placed out of sequence. Certain scenes on the second disc are clearly from earlier in the film, and set up events that have already taken place—with, at the time, mysterious causation. These might be intended as flashbacks, or some kind of Tarantino-esque experiment with fragmented narrative, but, if so, they are poorly realized. Then again, it could all be just an accident beyond the filmmakers’ control (in which case, they can register a complaint via the phone number that helpfully scrolls across the bottom of the screen virtually the whole fucking time). Who am I to judge?
What I will say is this: With its homemade, shot-on-video feel, crude special effects, and religious conservatism, Nieng Arp reminds me of nothing so much as one of those evangelical horror films made in Nigeria or Ghanna. You can gauge your likely reaction to it by just how much more of B14 or 666: Beware the End is at Hand you could watch than their trailers. Nieng Arp, of course, might have the benefit of making a little more narrative sense than those movies, were it the case that the time-shifting in it that I witnessed was unintentional.
Anyway, after a good bit of Maya chasing the terrified students through the forest and slapping the back of their heads with her intestines, she calls out to the ghost of the Arp who made her for aid. This cackling crone proceeds to inhabit the bodies of the kids one by one and make them murder one another. Among her victims is a girl named Prathana, who betrays a pre-existing evil streak by wearing a bootleg tee-shirt that says “MIGKEY MOOSE” on it.
The VCD of Nieng Arp wraps up with a blooper reel of the cast muffing their lines and breaking character to much hilarity. It’s charming, to be sure, but to my mind unnecessary to providing the film with a happy ending. I’ve elsewhere dedicated no small amount of text to grieving the tragic end that befell Cambodia’s cinematic golden age of the 60s and 70s. After the ravages of Pol Pot (whose name is evoked in Nieng Arp as yet another shiver-inducing bogey man), the revival of that cinema was fitful and protracted, with a few bright spots amid long periods of dormancy. One of the brightest of those spots was the success of Nieng Arp, which, along with a number of other low budget horror features, prompted an uptick in film production and theater attendance in the country. All in all, it’s a heartening example of how exploitation cinema, with all its commerce-driven perseverance, can sometimes tow a nation’s entire film industry behind it into safer waters.
Friday's best pop song ever
Friday's best pop song ever
All the offense you can stand.
We're going to be trying something a little different on Pop Offensive during May and June, in that we will be presenting two episodes of the show a month rather than the usual one. This will enable us to determine just how many catchy and danceable songs the human brain is capable of withstanding. And if you're one of those people for whom all that melodicism proves too much, rest assured that we will inevitably be followed by some college kid playing two hours of industrial music.
The experiment starts this Wednesday, May 6th, at 7pm PT, with episodes following on May 20th, June 3rd, and June 17th. As always, you can stream the shows live at 9thfloorradio.com and revisit them forever thereafter at the Pop Offensive archives. And please be sure to tweet us your minute-by-minute responses at @PopOffRadio.
Pop Offensive is TONIGHT!
Before listening to Pop Offensive:
Complete your transformation by streaming us live from 9thfloorradio.com tonight at 7pm Pacific Time. (Or listen to it later via the Pop Offensive Archives. Whatever.)
Funky Bollywood: Feel the love.
Praise for Funky Bollywood continues to come in from around the globe, especially from our friends on the Subcontinent:
Over at The Hindu, Sidarth Bhatia says "This is a must-have for not just the casual browser but also the more serious student of Hindi films who is interested not just in individual movies but also, so to speak, the big picture."
And over on Scroll.in, Nandini Ramnath, in addition to providing an in-depth interview with yours truly, calls the book "a rough and highly personal guide to movies from the decade that made Amitabh Bachchan a star and was spilling over with outlandish thrillers about spies, gangsters, smugglers and molls."
The armchair ironists among you have no doubt savored the bitter sweetness of all of this positive press coming from India, seeing as an Indian edition of Funky Bollywood has yet to be released. But we are still working diligently toward that end, and I dare say that we are close to making it happen. Reviews like those quoted above only make our resolve that much stronger.