That's right; it's time to stop waiting for the PLEASE DON'T BE WAITING FOR ME launch event, because it's goddamn TONIGHT! Stop by Oakland's A Great Good Place For Books at 7pm tonight to HEAR a...
Last night's launch event for my novel Please Don't Be Waiting For Me, held at Oakland's A Great Good Place For Books, came off swimmingly. Books were signed, questions asked and answered, pictures...
View ArticleNow you can read PLEASE DON'T BE WAITING FOR ME anywhere!
Rejoice bibliophobes, for the last physical impediment to you reading my new novel, Please Don't Be Waiting For Me,--by which I mean actual books in all their loathsome, paper-based tactility--has...
View ArticleA bog of blogs
So I decided it was time to clean up the links in my Blog Roll, because—what with my new book, my podcast, my radio show and my writings elsewhere online—it seemed like I just didn’t have quite enough...
View ArticleDer Fluch Des Schwarzen Ruben, aka Thirteen Days To Die...
To my knowledge, Thirteen Days to Die is the only cinematic attempt to modernize Rolf Torring, the adventuring hero of a series of German pulp novels that rose to popularity during the years leading up...
View ArticleMoscow - Cassiopeia (Russia, 1974)
Sending teenagers on a lifelong journey into space is an idea many parents would endorse, as well as, I’m sure, more than a few teenagers. Judging by Moscow – Cassiopeia and its immediate sequel, Teens...
View ArticleToday: Buy some music and support trans rights
From midnight to midnight Friday (that's today) BandCamp, one of the best places to support independent music on the internet, will be donating 100% of their share of every sale to the Transgender Law...
That's right, babies. This Wednesday, August 16th, is the third Wednesday of the month--which means that, if you tune into at 7pm Pacific time, you'll hear a percolating parade of...
View ArticleAn offense divided
Because I haven't posted a recap of last Wednesday's Pop Offensive until now, you may not know that my co-host of three years, Jeff Heyman, has left the show (that is unless you actually listened to...
View ArticleWhy in the world is Todd in San Diego?
To all those San Diego resident and bound, I will be in that fair city this Friday, September the 8th, signing copies of my books Please Don't Be Waiting For Meand Funky Bollywoodat the Horrible...
View ArticleTeens in the Universe (Russia, 1975)
I was hampered in my efforts to get you up to speed on the adventures of Moscow Casiopea’s crew of teenage cosmonauts by the fact that that film’s sequel, Teen in the Universe, came to me without the...
View ArticleHoist your glasses. Pop Offensive 2.0 is GO!
Okay, maybe it's too early for celebration. But the fact remains that I made it through my debut as the official host of POP OFFENSIVE without a hitch. Well, that's not true, really. There were several...
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