On this week's Pop Offensive: Girls! Girls! Girls!
"Girls can't rock", once opined a budding philosopher, mere moments before having a spiked heel launched decisively into his groin area. These days, that the opposite of that statement is the case is...
View ArticleFunky Bollywood: The Podcast!
Last Saturday's Funky Bollywood event at San Diego's Digital Gym Cinema was all kinds of swell. What started out as a simple Q & A session between me and my esteemed fellow MOSS-er Miguel Rodriguez...
View ArticlePop Offensive is tonight!
Tonight, Pop Offensive ups the estrogen levels with its first all-girl extravaganza. Be sure not to miss what is likely to be our best episode yet. You can either stream it live from the 9th Floor...
View ArticleAn offender of another gender
If you listened to Wednesday's all-girl episode of Pop Offensive, you know that proximity to all that raw feminine charisma left the men of Pop Offensive somewhat addled. For starters, Jeff made a...
View ArticleShh! Funkiness in progress.
Do you live in the San Francisco area? Well, here's an idea: why not play hooky from work on Tuesday and come down to the SF Public Library's main branch, where I will be appearing in conversation with...
View ArticleToday: It's all happening at the library!
What kind of man reads Funky Bollywood?Hey, do you live in San Francisco and enjoy hanging out at the library on weekday afternoons--and not just because of the clean bathrooms, but also because of the...
View ArticleHaving a Wild Weekend (England, 1965)
With their prim matching suits and young Republican haircuts, the Dave Clark Five visually slotted right in with Mersey Beat also-rans like Gerry and the Pacemakers and Freddy and the Dreamers....
View ArticlePatrick Macnee, 1922 - 2015
I mentioned in an earlier post how, as a child of the early 60s, my budding conception of adulthood and what it meant to be a "man" were largely informed by spy movies. This was so much the case that I...
View ArticleVynalez Zkasy, aka An Invention of Destruction (Csechoslovakia, 1958)
Vynalez Zkasy (released in the U.S. as The Fabulous World of Jules Verne) may represent Czech FX pioneer Karel Zeman’s quest to emulate the style of 19th century fantasy illustration—to the end of...
View ArticleTuesday: Go back to school with the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down!
It’s funny. In my high school, you’d get made fun of for liking the Ramones. And that was the best case scenario. Yet, in Rock and Roll High School, we’re shown a school where the Ramones are as...
View ArticleTonight! The 4DK Monthly Shout Down lets it all burn with ROCK 'N' ROLL HIGH...
Sure, we all blew up our schools to the sound of thundering punk rock, but somehow Rock 'n' Roll High School presents it in a light that makes it all seem fresh again. See for yourself tonight, when...
View ArticleGabba Gabba. We accept you.
The effect of rock'n'roll on mice. #4DKMSD#ScienceIsGoldenpic.twitter.com/rrDW35lYRg— Cultura (@CulturalGutter) July 8, 2015As one of the participants in Tuesday's 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down...
View ArticlePop Goes the Offensive.
The archived version of the latest episode of Pop Offensive is now available for streaming, so you can relive the magical evening of Tuesday, July 15, just as if you had stepped into a very limited...
View ArticleMinik Cadi, aka Little Witch (Turkey, 1975)
My main takeaway from Minik Cadi is that its star, Cicek Dilligel, is the most horrifying child to have ever walked the Earth.In the film, Dilligel plays "Cicek", a magical little girl who makes...
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