Last Wednesday's Pop Offensive was a sugar coated blast, surveying two minute bursts of pop perfection from countries as varied as Macedonia, Vietnam, Germany, Finland, Spain, Sweden, and that big one that keeps Canada and Mexico from bumping into each other, the name of which escapes me at the moment. Along the way we gave you a taste of the glories of Eurovision, the drunken revels of Octoberfest, and the heyday of Bay Area punk, not to mention a healthy portion of glam, northern soul, girl group sounds, and UK psych pop.
Of course, you know all of that, because you listened to it live. Wait.... You didn't listen to it?
[reproving silence]
Alright, then. I guess you'll be wanting this link to the archived version of the show.
And why not just take the complete playlist for the episode that can be found here, on the Pop Offensive Facebook Page.