For most, saying that a film is a spiritual sibling of Robo Vampire is far from a ringing endorsement. But for another rare breed of individual--say, the type who might participate in a 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down or likeminded movie tweetalong--such a description presents a challenge that cries out be met.
And to the rest of you--goodhearted, rational minded people who, when confronted with statements such as those made above, simply ask, "What in the name of sweet, ice cream-loving Jesus are you talking about?", I say this: Devil's Dynamite, which is the subject of tonight's Shout Down, is another chaotic mash-up from Tomas Tang's notorious Filmark International, one that combines Ninjas, hopping vampires, a dude in a tinfoil superhero suit, and low rent Mafiosi drama to deeply confusing effect. ...Kind of like Robo Vampire, which you've probably also never heard of.
Tonight, you will have to decide which of the above categories of purely hypothetical humans you belong to, as it is tonight that the 4DK Monthly Movie Shout Down crew staunchly endures the trials of Devil's Dynamite (hair shirts optional). If you think you have what it takes, join us on Twitter, using the hashtag #4DKMSD, tonight--Tuesday, May 12th--at 6pm PT sharp, as we tweet-along to the film using the link below: