The Kommissar X films stand out from the vast ocean of 1960s Eurospy films by just being a whole lot of goofy fun. Keith of Teleport City and I share an obsession with them that has resulted in us reviewing near every damn one of them. And now I'm proud to announce that Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill, the first of the Kommissar X films, will be the subject of this week's upcoming Monthly Movie Shout Down. Join us on Twitter, using the hashtag #4DKMSD, at 6pm PT sharp to tweet along to this colorful concatenation of femmebots, space age lairs, sharp suited sharpies, outlandish stunts, and diabolical gadgets. Oh, and lots of grade 'A', 60s secret agent smarm, as the trailer below demonstrates.
The Kommissar X films stand out from the vast ocean of 1960s Eurospy films by just being a whole lot of goofy fun. Keith of Teleport City and I share an obsession with them that has resulted in us reviewing near every damn one of them. And now I'm proud to announce that Kiss Kiss, Kill Kill, the first of the Kommissar X films, will be the subject of this week's upcoming Monthly Movie Shout Down. Join us on Twitter, using the hashtag #4DKMSD, at 6pm PT sharp to tweet along to this colorful concatenation of femmebots, space age lairs, sharp suited sharpies, outlandish stunts, and diabolical gadgets. Oh, and lots of grade 'A', 60s secret agent smarm, as the trailer below demonstrates.